#NVJOB STC8 Pro (Advanced Shader for Unity SpeedTree 8)
This is an extended version of the STC8 shader.
Full instructions - nvjob.github.io/unity/nvjob-stc-8-pro
The STC8 Pro shader support Instanced Indirect from Vegetation Studio Pro.
This is a shader for SpeedTree version 8.x for Unity. The shader has advanced settings compared to the standard Unity shader for SpeedTree. The shader fully functions in Forward Rendering and Deferred Rendering (including Subsurface Emission). Shaders have great scalability. The shader allows you to increase performance, but to the detriment of appearance, or to get a better image, but to the detriment of performance.
Using this shader, you can adjust the wind (speed, amplitude, swaying branches, etc.). The wind settings in the shader, allow you to fix incorrectly configured wind settings in SpeedTree, as well as synchronize and adjust the wind for all vegetation separately. You can adjust the wind parameters for each vegetation individually.